Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Outdoors

   When I was growing up my family did lots of camping. Dad was a big hunter and fisherman and he hunted and fished for anything that moved. We were never out of fresh meat. He was very good at making jerky and smoked salmon. Lots of men would bring their meats to dad so he could smoke it for them. I can say that I have never tasted smoked jerky or salmon that was as good as dad's; store-bought never tastes good to me because of this. 

   Like I said, we camped a lot. Dad would decide we were going, mom would cook up some food, we'd throw tents and sleeping bags into the back of the car, and off we'd go. Sometimes we'd camp on the beach, or in a thick forest, or next to a creek. Of course dad's guns and fishing poles were always thrown into the car, too. My siblings and I would roam around and play, climb trees, dig for clams, or play in the water. We were free to do whatever we wanted to do, however far we wanted to go, and get as dirty as was possible- that's just what camping was about. 

   As my own children were growing up I tried to give them a taste of this side of life. I'm sure that it's because of my own upbringing that I love the outdoors. I feel peace and solace in the midst of Mother Nature and I hoped that our kids would develop and enjoy this same love for one of God's greatest gifts- the beauty and wonder of earth's decor. 

   Both of my parents also loved working in the yard and garden at home. We had an immaculate yard and dad took care of our roses and made sure the lawn was manicured. Mom loved flowers and gardening and as children we were expected to put in our fair share of yard work during most weekends. Wayne always has an immaculately trimmed yard and Pam loves working in her garden and growing plants. She keeps her yard looking pretty, too. I love pulling weeds and puttering around outside. I've probably let my yard go more than my siblings, but before moving here I tried to keep the yards and gardens looking good and felt it was important to teach the kids how to work and care for them. Weeding is one of my favorite thinking times. I'm getting a handle on my yard again as I've learned more about the Arizona terrain and weather and during this school break. 

   Hansan and Dallan spent their own money to rent tuxedos last night. They have a church prom coming up on Saturday. I don't know how the heck prom dates turned into all day events. It drives me nuts. Both boys spent $98 for tuxedos. It's a good thing they have their own money. In order to keep expenses down they opted not to rent the shoes or white shirts. The kids learn lessons faster when they have to put out their own dough, so to speak. Now they are asking me if I will make the corsages. They are learning fast ... :-) Dallan said his date bought a dress (I'm sure the parents bought it) for $400!!! I told him I thought it was ridiculous. 



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