Friday, April 11, 2014

You and You're

   I mainly learned to write by reading a lot at an early age, but when it came to learning the "rules" of writing, I kind of tuned out. Although I've improved over the years, I still find it hard to focus when trying to understand the formal rules of grammar, but I do have a desire to learn in spurts. I am amused by people who are so into the technicalities of writing that they give off an air of superiority or even a snooty attitude as if the grammar is more important than what the person has to say. If I read an incorrect sentence, I can usually fix it, but I probably can't explain the rules as to why it is wrong, and for that I run to the internet, and thank goodness for the internet! I have a hard time conveying my feelings in word. I have mentioned a few times that I know I am hindered by my own lack of vocabulary and mechanics, but I still like to write when I'm in the right mood. However, I do admit that I have an attitude problem when writers use your for you're-- there, their, and they're incorrectly-- or, its for it's, etc. So, I guess I deserve whatever judgment the reader places on my head! ha!

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