In a meeting, recently, we talked about ways we are pulled away from what's most important in life. How technology, materialism, professions, or education, etc., can pull us away from time with our families. Of course we know that as women this doesn't mean that we have to put all of our personal interests on the back burner. However, I can tell you this, I did try to put raising my children at the forefront of my everyday life. Even though I chose this path, I am definitely not saying that one route in life is better than another because we are all different. I always wanted to be a wife and a mother before considering any profession outside the home; I yearned for it and I suppose it's one of the reasons we chose to have so many children.
Now I'm in school, just earned my bachelor's at the age of 58, and about to head into a master's program in May. Some women choose to get their education earlier in life and that's wonderful too, but like I said before, we each have our own roads to travel. Sometimes we do not realize why certain choices are made in someone else's life. The way we were raised makes a difference, too; the spirit in which we came to this earth life with is a factor. Erick and I taught our children that a college education is very important. I am thankful that my daughter took this to heart and earned a bachelor's degree early, but that doesn't mean that my path was wrong either, and besides that, I was not raised knowing how important an education can be; my parents didn't finish high school. I am very grateful that I've had the opportunity to go back to school at a later time, but it does not mean that I did the wrong thing by raising my family first or that another obtained her education first.
There are some who try to make you feel ashamed for liking technology because it can be one of those 'distractions', and I agree to a certain point. Obviously if I am ignoring my children, or not staying up with the laundry (etc) then it can get a little lopsided in life, but I do enjoy technology and enjoy living during this time when there is so much. I like computers and cell phones and Facebook, emailing, and texts. I love trying to keep up with the latest programs and love that a lot of my college education happens over the internet. I have seen some older people who can't get out of their homes enjoy the interaction with people through the internet; I love connecting with old friends and sharing family photos, and yes, bragging about my children, and showing off my grandchildren.
There are some women who would rather have a profession than stay at home raising children. There are some of us who would rather stay at home raising a family than have a profession. Some like technology, some hate it; some love to run, while others would rather walk- TO EACH HIS OWN. We need to give each other a break and not judge just because another chooses a different road.