Thursday, April 17, 2014

Orange Hair?

   So I've got gray hair. No big deal. Well, if it's not such a big deal then why do I dye it? In fact, I went to the salon and paid good money to ensure that my little gray strands were hidden, and then what happens? The hairdresser turned my hair orange! Now what?!

   I fret about it for 3 days and figure that's long enough to safely re-dye it, which I did at home. I bought a $6 box of light brown dye at Walmart despite my daughter's warning to go back to the salon and have them redo it. I redyed it this morning. Guess what?! Now my hair is a LOT darker and I told Emrie I was not leaving my house for a few days!

   Then guess what happens ... Nathan decides to stop by and invite me to dinner. Oh great. Out in public. Not that anyone would care except for me. I asked Nathan if my hair looked lots darker. He looked at it, thinks for a second, and says "no". Ha! Caught him in a lie! but I let it go. He doesn't care at all, but I do. 

   I was planning to let my gray hair grow out but I chickened out. Why? Because, like I told my kids, I can either have gray hair, or be fat, but NOT both at the same time. So, dyed hair it is! and that is that!

   I have to add more to this post. It is exhilarating to feel Nathan's excitement and dream-come-true in regards to his medical school acceptance. It is a joyful occasion when your children's desires and dreams are fulfilled. Words cannot express how grateful I am to my Heavenly Father for helping our family in every area of life, but especially in successes like this. 

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