Wednesday, April 16, 2014

His Eyes.

   What would it be like to see ourselves exactly as Heavenly Father does? I wonder if it would change how we interact with others, and change the daily dialogue going on inside our brains?

   'I am a child of God', is the first clue that we are so much more than we realize or remember. I know we are of divine nature and are God's greatest creations, and He never meant for us to think less of ourselves than He does. The world seems to get in the way … or does it? Does the world get in the way, or is this all part of overcoming the world?

   On to another subject- I've heard that we only use 10% of our brain. Is this a false contention, a myth, an old wives’ tale, or is it true? Who came up with this number? A couple of my favorite movies are called Limitless and Inception, both tapping into unbelievable brain potential, and leaving viewers to wonder how much more potential we are capable of.  

   The twins and I spent the weekend babysitting Emrie’s children while she and Luke went on a little hotel trip. It was a pleasant time except for my headache (which I’ve struggled with for the past 3 months because of a pinched nerve in my neck). They are such wonderful grandchildren, each with such cute, individual personalities. Emrie and Luke are doing a great job at teaching them to obey and to be respectful. They swam at our house a couple of times while the twins and I finished some yard work. It was fun watching them get along so well in the water and, of course, they all swim like little fish. 

   My mother sent this picture today: Aunt Beverly, Aunt Bonnie, and Mom. 

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