Sunday, August 26, 2018

Journaling and Anxiety

Image result for journalingThe twins began attending the singles ward for church today but before they left, they went to church with me in our normal family ward. During Sacrament a lady gave a talk about writing in journals. She reminded us of good points about journaling, advising to write at least once a month, or even once a year. Journaling can help us put thoughts and life into a healthy perspective. I had never thought about journaling for mental health. I have experienced anxiety over the past few years, sometimes very debilitating. I was reading an article recently about how exercise and healthy eating might help it. Maybe journaling can be a helpful tool for my stress and anxiety. My anxiety causes stress and then I fall into ruminating. Maybe journaling will help minimize my anxiety through a little more focus and examination of the root causes. I need to shift my thoughts to a more empowered and action-oriented path. Let this be the beginning of better journaling!

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