Saturday, October 19, 2013

Flat Tire!

This is a blog I wrote several weeks ago but forgot to post it:

So, yesterday I planned to stay inside to do homework, housework, and chill. Did that happen? Of course not. Why? Because the boys went out to wash, clean, and vacuum the car, which was parked in the garage, only to come running back inside to inform me that one of the tires was flat; not just flat, but FLAT.Remember when I talked about not letting minuscule situations get in the way of the bigger picture? Out the window that thought flew as I fretted and raged as to how to solve this 'humongous' dilemma. After all, this was a problem of grand magnitude! ..... so what if I am exaggerating .... it WAS frustrating. There is no spare tire, didn't realize I'd let my AAA expire, the neighbors are gone, can't get a hold of my home teachers, and none of my older boys can help. Hmm.

Well, the twins finally found a neighbor who let us borrow an air compressor. We were able to hobble over to Discount Tire, and the HUGE problem was solved without having to spend a dime.  :-)

I feel better now and then humbled. The flat tire happened on the weekend instead as I'm traveling back and forth to school and 'work'. It happened when the twins were home so they could help me. It didn't cost an arm and a leg to fix and was installed with a brand new tire. I mean, really, why did it seem so frantically frustrating to begin with .... like I said, don't sweat the small stuff! :-)

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