Thursday, September 5, 2013

Talking to Trees and the Adorable Twins

A couple of times someone close to me has suggested that I should talk to a tree ... now don't get me wrong, I dearly love this person and highly respect him, but, "talk to a tree!?" I tried to be open-minded about it, but whenever I envision myself sharing my problems and thoughts with a tree, it just doesn't feel quite right (no offense to the trees! I love tress.). But then I got to thinking about journaling ... is this kind of like talking to a tree? I mean, after all, here I am sharing my thoughts on cyberspace paper, so I guess it's not so different.

The reason this subject even comes up is because I have a tendency to keep thoughts and feelings inside. After Erick's death I did this. I was shocked at how much anger I felt after he died. It hit me like a brick wall. Where the heck did it come from, and why, I wondered? I was able to function (maybe), and thought I was doing what was best for my children; you know, look and act strong; try to put their needs first. We were all thrown into a bit of a tailspin. His death was so unexpected. We found out two weeks before his death that he had leukemia. Before then we thought he was healthy and that we would grow old together. Boy were we in for a surprise. I will talk more about this sometime, but not right now. 

At the time of Erick's death, our youngest were these adorable, little 2 year old twins, Hansan and Dallan. They do not remember their daddy at all. Now they are 15 years old. My daughter-in-law, Xiaojun, took some beautiful pictures of the boys within the past week, so here they are now:

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